新領域創成科学研究科 物質系専攻 修士・博士後期課程 2022年度入試の実施方法の変更について
Modifications in the Method of Entrance Examinations for Department of Advanced Material Science, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

As written in the Supplement for the Admission Guide, Entrance Exams with schedule B will be conducted only for Doctoral Course (Special Selection for Applicants with Overseas Education).

Because it is assummed that applicants live abroad, all the exams will be conducted online.

e-mails informing about the online written examination for Entrance Exams with schedule B and the secondary oral examination have been sent by Jun. 8th (Sat.). If you have not yet received either of them, please contact to the AMS office (ams-office@ams.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp).

入試案内書修正版 (Revised version of Admission Guide)
ダウンロード (Download PDF) (2021.05.24 revised)

入試案内書の補足 (Supplement for the Admission Guide)
日本語版 English version (2021.12.02 updated)

志望調査票pdf版 (Admission Questionnaire)
修士(MC) 博士(DC) (2021.04.22 released)
For English translation, please refer to this page (MC) or this page (DC).

チェックシートpdf版 (Document Checklist)
修士(MC) 博士(DC) (2021.06.10 revised)
For English translation, please refer to this page (MC) or this page (DC).
If you cannnot make the deadline for any required documents due to a legitimate reason, please inform it in "Message column" of the online application site. You can upload them to the online applycation site when you receive them.

審査書類 (Examination Document) (2021.05.25 released)
Please use this format (English version) for a 1-page document of the Documentary Examination.
Please do not upload this examination document to the online application site. We will inform where to submit these documents around the beginning of July to the E-mail address you have filled in when applying.

外国語試験は、TOEFL iBT(もしくはTOEFL ITP® Plus for China Solution)のスコアシート提出により行います。
Foreign language examination is held by submittion of TOEFL iBT (or TOEFL ITP® Plus for China Solution) score reports.

TEST Dateスコアを出願スコアとして採用します。(My BESTスコアは参照しません。)また、リーディングとリスニングのスコアのみが参照されます。
TOEFL iBT® Home Editionについて、申し込みが多くなっているので速やかに手続きするようお願いします。
TEST Date Scores are adopted as submitted scores.(MyBEST Scoreas are not reffered.) Only the scores of Reading and Listening are referred for screening.
FYI: The number of applications to TOEFL iBT® Home Edition seem to be increasing. We would like to recommend to proceed necessary procedures ASAP.

スコア提出〆切:1月4日正午 出願者にアップロード先をお知らせします。
Submission Deadline of the score reports: Juanuary 4th, 12:00. Submission method will be announced.

TOEFL iBTの受験にはパスポート原本などの身分証明書が必要になります。詳細は以下のページを参照してください。
To take a TOEFL iBT test, you must prepare an ID card such as passport. Please refer the page below for more details.

For applicants from Mainland China, we officially accept a score report of TOEFL ITP® Plus for China Solution.

① ETS(Educational Testing Service)から本人宛に送付された“Test Taker Score Report”のコピー
② ETSから本研究科宛に直送される “Institutional Score Report”

As written in the guidelines for applicants(MCDC), for TOEFL score reports, whereas both of the following two items must be submitted to GSFS:
ⅰ Copy of Test Taker Score Report sent to the examinee from the Educational Testing Service
Institutional Score Report directly mailed from ETS to GSFS,
Please submit ⅰ Copy of Test Taker Score Report to GSFS on or before the submission deadline as much as possible.
With regards to ⅱ Institutional Score Report, we would like to recommend you to make the request to ETS so that the report arrives on or before the deadline,
but if you cannot make the deadline, please contact to GSFS Student Affairs Team (gsfs-exam@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
Department of Advanced Material Science will deal with it so that you will not have any disadvantage.

博士後期課程 外国人等特別選考【入試日程 B】

審査書類提出 1/4 正午〆切 予定
スコアシート提出 1/4 正午〆切 予定
書類審査合格発表 1/7 正午 予定
接続テスト 1/11 予定
オンライン筆記試験 1/18 予定
オンライン口述試験 1/24,25 予定

修士課程入学試験【入試日程 A】

審査書類提出 8/3正午〆切 提出先は7/2にE-mailで連絡済み
スコアシート提出 8/3正午〆切 提出先は7/2にE-mailで連絡済み
書類審査合格発表 8/4 発表
第1次試験合格発表 8/27正午 発表
口述試験接続テスト 8/28 接続先はE-mailで連絡済み
専攻としての内定者発表 8/30 17時 発表

博士後期課程入学試験【入試日程 A】

審査書類提出 8/3正午〆切 提出先は7/2にE-mailで連絡済み
スコアシート提出 8/3正午〆切 提出先は7/2にE-mailで連絡済み
書類審査合格発表 8/4 発表
口述試験接続テスト 8/12 接続先はE-mailで連絡済み